Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tell The Truth Thursday! I'm A Mover!

If you have kids you probably watch their shows with them.... Listen to kids music with them.... and take them to concerts they like right...

Well I have a confession about one of Delaney's Favorite shows....

I love the Movers too!

I have a thing for the Imagination Movers!
There is just something about Rich, Scott, Smitty and Dave that I can't get enough of! I must say that I do enjoy the guest appearances too!
Their music ranges from the sounds of 80's funk to rock to semi-rap and I LOVE IT! It is (besides some indie rock) our dance party music of choice! Have a listen/watch below and you'll get a glimpse as to why... that is if your not already a Mover fan!

Its much easier to listen to kids music when it sounds like this!
Its much more fun than mini pops and for sure its safer for kids to listen to...
I hate turning on the radio to hear things that I think my 3 year old should never hear.... every second word is shut up, I hate... or "sexy and I know it"
I know that this music is everywhere and its fine music... for adults.
I just want to keep my 3 year old 3 as long as I can I guess... and not having to listen to boring farm animal songs makes that easier and if listening to the movers means we can keep her young and innocent  and keep everyone happy...  I'm game!

My New Look!

What do you think?
Does the new look make my butt look fat?


But seriously what do you think?
Pink and grey....
I like it! And I hope that you do too!

I did all of it within blogger with the exception to the header which I got here!
I love StarSunflower Studio and I love this new header its supposed to be an Esty shop header but I like it on the blog... I did make it black and white and add the text in picnic. but all credit where it is due you get beautiful things from StarSunflower Studio!

Let me know in the comments if you like the change!

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's the End of February... Decision Time!

As some may know... that is if you have been following my nothingness over the past while (not that I blame anyone who hasn't been keeping up with my break from blogging or my lame not blogging or caring about blogging before that) I have been on a break from blogging and I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to do about or with this little old blog of mine....

Keep it? Kill it? Keep it? Kill it?

And the winner is?.?.?


I owe it to myself and to those who read what I write, look at the crafts that I make, leave comments and make me feel so great about what I do to pick myself up dust myself off and give this all I have. Not just all I have but all its worth, and give out some blog love to those who share love with me!

I started to blog for the fun of it... for the excitement of it... not to keep up with the other mommy bloggers, or the craft bloggers but because I needed to know that there were other like minded people out there in the world that I could connect with. Even if it is just through a comment or reading an "about me" page and hitting follow because I thought this lady is cool, I could totally be friends with her! (You know if we lived in the same country or even the same town, and some real things in common, met face to face and she didn't think that I was stalking her to see what she was doing everyday...)

Long story short... I love blogging and I love being a momma and I am going to do what I tell my kids to do.... TRY MY BEST to be all of the things that I am because the truth of the matter is I'm happier when  my life is busy full and there is enough space for me to be a momma and to be me!

Plus you never know who you might reach or how until you put yourself out there and offer what you have to give or what you know! I have been the semi-crazed mom out there looking for someone to talk to or listen to, to help find me.

So look for new posts, new projects, and new themes as well as a new look very soon!