Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Combating Laziness

I am so lazy...
I feel like doing nothing... 
I am this Bruno Mars song.... 

(the video sucks but you get the point)
I feel like because I am restricted as to what I can do since the C-section that there is nothing I can do... I am of course taking care of my kids (which is still weird to say and think, I have 2 kids not just one... Yikes) and I am taking care of myself but other than that I am not really able to do anything.

I am trying very hard to restrict myself and follow doctors orders but when you are independent, used to doing it all yourself and then some its hard to hold back.
I am watching lots of shows on DVD, lots of movies, and relaxing lots but I am feeling restless. I wish I could do more and I want to do more! I can't wait to get outside and be able to take Delaney and Max to the playground, I can't wait to walk for more than 15 mins without a break, I can't wait to WORKOUT! I know that this is what I need a good workout to feel better about myself and get my frustrations out but I can't!!!

I am dying to bake as well and I will be this week! I am making Delaney's Birthday cake this week and I can't wait! It feels like a life time since I did anything really creative and productive! I hope that this will help!

What do you do to combat your laziness? Do you just do what you have to do anyway? Do you ride it out? Or do you have another plan of attack? I would love to hear what you do maybe you can inspire me to find a way out of my lazy funk... 

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