Friday, October 21, 2011

Photo Friday! Momma said there would be days like this...

Have you ever had your mom or someone else tell you I hope when you have kids they turn out just like you... well I have LOTS! 
It seems that I was a bit of a trouble maker... 
I spilled a bottle of green couch medicine on my moms brand new carpet, I painted her teapot with pink nail polish, and I used to cut the centers out of cupcakes and fill them up with orange juice. So naturally she wanted the world to get back at me.... 
A few weeks ago just as we were packing up to head to Robyn's parents for a weekend I had one of those moments where I thought OK this is the worlds way of getting back at me....

I turned my back for one minute and this happened to my Kitchen table....

This was done by Delaney with a screwdriver..... 

and for some reason all I can think is Momma said there would be days like this... (even if she secretly wished them on me...)

Happy Friday!


  1. Ha! My mom said something similar to this to me when I was growing up. It was more in regards to messes and not cleaning them up, lol!

    So sorry about your table! ::hugs::

  2. Stopping by from the Y&R blog hop- and I have no words for what happened to your table. Have fun shopping for a cute table cloth?!


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