Monday, April 25, 2011

I've been outed...

Ive been pulled out of the blogging closet... Yup Ive been outed...
I should have known better and I should have watched my step but maybe just a little I was like a cheater leaving little digital links to my crime...

Last Friday I returned home from a play-date with friends of ours, only to call my mom just to say Hi and were home now... to get the reply of...
"I learned something today" to which I said "Whats that?" Mom in her most Motherly voice "Um that you have a BLOG" 

Long story short months ago my sister turned me onto The Shabby Nest a great blog who in my sisters words has one of the best linky parties out there... and it is one of the places that I have been linking up to... not thinking that my sister would be looking there at her linky party every week... so when she saw my "M" from my "Mrs. M" post she went for a look thinking that maybe this was the blog I had gotten my idea from when low and behold here was my little corner of the blogging world. 

Why didn't I tell them that I started to blog? Well I was a little embarrassed I think, and I wanted to get a bit of practice under my belt. Maybe I felt like I wasn't good enough of a blogger (granted I have only been blogging since February 4th) to tell the world yet. Maybe I just didn't know how to tell them... Either way I was keeping it a bit of a secret, and there are still plenty of people who don't know. 

But in all truth and fairness I think this may have been the best way for them to find out... I didn't even know that they were looking at the blog until after they had been through the whole thing (so there was no awkward pause of are they reading it, what do they think, when will they look and what will they say) and they had only the loveliest things to say about it! It was like having the band-aid ripped off when you didn't even know that there was a band-aid in the first place...

So now I welcome both my Mom and my Sister as I am sure they are reading and still laughing at the fact that I was too chicken to tell them that I had started a blog to begin with...

1 comment:

  1. This post cracks me up because I felt the same way! I have been blogging for a month and every single time I click the "publish post" button I get a little jittery..hahaha Thank you for encouraging me today...and I'll be sure to make sure you feel encouraged too! I can't wait to see more of your ideas!


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