Nothing SCREAMS Spring to a toddler like Sidewalk Chalk and Bubbles!
And Delaney is no different from other toddlers these are her favorite things about spring and she has been asking me all Winter if we could go play with bubbles, and I had to tell her with a heavy heart to wait till spring!
So when the sun was out and it was a woping 10 degrees out a few days ago... I got to tell her... "LETS GO PLAY BUBBLES!"
She was so excited! So here is my Photo Friday a sneak peak into our Spring... hopefully there will be many many more days like this one!
Happy Friday!
Hope you get some great Spring Photos!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tell the Truth Thursday!
I don't read!
Yes I know how, and yes I read to my child, but for pleasure I don't read...
I try, but I usually get half way through and stop... I put it down and walk away and never pick up the book again. It's sad to me sometimes because everyone I know are readers and it seems like a nice past time, you know sit down with a good book and live in another world even for a little while, but I just can't do it... maybe its because I'm such a visual person and its hard to visualize what someone else wants me to see without a clear picture, maybe its because I can't concentrate long enough to get through a book...
That being said, I am a serious Twi-Hard! and I have read the series more than once (if were telling the whole truth more than twice) and I love it! (except for New Moon which I struggled to get through the first time, it was a long hard read it felt like it dragged on forever).
I think its strange, that I can't read anything other than Twilight... and when that urge to read takes over that's what I do, I read the twilight series and the urge goes away...
Whats your truth this Thursday? Are you a reader? What do you read and why?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Kid Craft! Easter Cards!
Delaney has really gotten into the whole ARTS AND CRAFTS hour thing! Which shouldn't surprise me, as many of the things that I make she wants to see or watch how I do it, not to mention that everything that I give her she looks up and says "Momma did you make this for me?" So we have been making something or working on projects almost everyday...
For our next Arts and craft project we made Easter Cards!
I started by folding some construction paper into the cards.
Then I used an egg cookie cutter and an Easter bunny cookie cutter to trace and cut out the shapes on more construction paper.
then I gave her a glue stick, some glitter glue, stickers and crayons and away she went!
Once they were dry I wrote our little verse on the inside of each and we were done!
Might I add that she now has a love affair with glitter glue! And I mean every project has to have glitter, I think I have a girly girl on my hands!!
Easy, fun and cute! This kept her busy for about an hour and if I had more cards she would have kept on going and going!
Do you have any fun Easter projects up your sleeve? Let me know in the comments I love new projects and now so does Delaney!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Kid Craft! Easter Decorations!
This is our new Easter Garland!
It was made over a few craft sessions with my wonderful little artist!
It was super easy and lots of fun for both of us!
Here's how we did it!
We took some craft foam bunnies and Easter eggs that i got at Dollerama...
then we painted them and glittered them all up and made them bright and pretty!
and the final product of our creativity...
Then I took some brightly colored ribbon and tied off the ends so there was a loop on each end for hanging. I laid out the pattern I wanted, flipped them over and put a bead or line of hot glue on the back of each egg or bunny and glued the ribbon right on the back.
Then when it was cooled and all the eggs and bunnies were on the ribbon I hung it up and away we go a new and beautiful Easter Decoration!
Super fun, super easy and super cute.
Can you spot the one momma made??? Laney wouldn't do hers until i did one too!
Give it a try with your little ones! And if you don't have any craft foam shapes you could always use regular craft paper or funky scrap-booking paper!
Have you made anything fun with your little ones for Easter? I'd love to hear all about it or even see it if you leave me a link to your blog in the comments!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Make it Monday!
I Love Cookies...
I Love Chocolate....
I Love Coffee....
But I LOVE Chocolate Chip Coffee Cookies!
These cookies are amazing I found a recipe for these type of cookies before but they were too dry and not exactly my cup of tea... or coffee if you will. So I kinda tweaked them and changed them and made my own...
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup of margarine (softened)
1 egg
1 tbsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tbsp instant coffee granules
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups chocolate chips or chocolate chunks
(I like to cut up baking chocolate squares into small chunks)
Cream your butter and sugars then add the egg and vanilla, mix in your flour, baking powder and coffee granules. Mix in your Chocolate until evenly distributed. Scoop on to a lined baking sheet and bake for 8-9 mins at 350. These are a very chewy cookie, you can bake a bit more if you like but try not to let them go much longer or the bottoms will start to burn.
mmmmm.... right out of the oven!
Once you have them all baked and have let them cool add this glaze to make them extra decedent and over the top!
Coffee cookie glaze!
1/2 tsp instant coffee granules
1 tbsp of HOT water
1/2 cup icing sugar
Dissolve the coffee in the hot water and add it to the icing sugar mixing until the icing sugar dissolves completely, and drizzle over the cooled cookies! (this is also great on regular chocolate chip muffins or on oatmeal muffins too)
Perfect for a Nap Time snack....
Bake them up and give them a taste! I swear you will be hooked too!
Do you have any recipes that include my favorite ingredients? if you do please share in the comments I'd love to try them!

Sunday, April 10, 2011
What it means to be a momma....
I am a finalist in a contest being held by another very talented Canadian Momma!
Beautiful Dreamers Design makes and creates amazing items for babies and children bedrooms every thing from piggy banks to picture frames and you can see it all on her website (linked above) or HERE on her Facebook group!
She put out the call for those expecting a baby or who have had a baby in the last 12 months on her Facebook page a few weeks ago and then from all entries she picked 10 Momma's or Momma to Be's as finalists and asked them to write out a paragraph as to what being a mommy is to them... so I thought i would share my entry, and no I don't need votes or likes or people to join her Facebook group or anything like that, I just thought I would share it with the Bloggy World!
So here it is what it means to this Momma to be a Momma...
Being a mommy to me is being everything for someone else. Being a mommy is being a teacher, a child's first teacher, showing them how to share, teaching them their ABC's and shapes, guiding them through the stepping stones of growing up. Being a mommy is being a Doctor, kissing boo boos and sprinkling magic fairy dust on imaginary scrapes and cuts. Being a mommy is is being a rock-star,singing and dancing, putting on a show just to amuse them. Being a mommy is is being a role model, showing them that being your self is better than ever trying to be better than someone else. Being a mommy is being wowed everyday, seeing the world through fresh eyes, or feeling your baby move for the first time. Being a mommy is is being amused by the funny things they say everyday or even by the thought that your growing a baby that is a part of you now but will reside in your heart forever. Being a mommy is is being more in love with your child everyday when just yesterday you thought there was no way you could ever love them more, and knowing that tomorrow you will find a way to love them even more than you do today. Being a mommy is allowing a life to blossom within you and loving that life from the first moment you know it exists. Being a mommy is a blessing, it brightens my day and my life.
What does being a Momma mean to you?
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