Friday, April 1, 2011

Photo Friday

This week a photo to make you giggle... or at least it makes me giggle, such a little girl at such a BIG desk!
We visited my sister's office recently, and as she is where ever she goes Delaney is the center of attention there, however when we arrive there she has just one request.... "Let's go to Aunties office" She wants to sit at the desk answer the phone and "work" on the computer. Of course in true Auntie style she lets her go ahead and do whatever she would like. 

Here she is hard at "work" at Aunties desk....

I think that Auntie is just so glad to get to see her during the week, not to mention break up the work day with a giggle and usually a serenade (of either ABC's or "The Little Einstein's" theme) that she would let her do anything she wanted...

Happy Friday! I hope you take one photo today or at least this week that makes you giggle!

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