Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Holy Cow It's FALL!!! And SPOILERS!

Well it seems time and motivation has gotten away from me again...

It seems that summer faded into the fall and here I am just catching up with the rest of the world... again.

Well at least I am here, I am back and I am doing my very best to get back to a regular schedule and a regular life... as you may or may not know we have had a bit of a crazy summer and its kind of thrown us off schedule....

This summer my Father-In-Law passed away in a very sudden accident, so naturally I took time off to deal with that, and it has kind of taken my head and my heart a little longer than I thought to get back to  blogging. I threw myself into planning the kids parties and a few other things and I tried to get back to blogging and back to life but its been harder than I thought and I really wasn't ready. It hasn't been easy, not that anyone has said it should be, it hasn't always been nice, again is it supposed to be, and frankly its been gut wrenching and terrible and I still miss him more than words can say...

Also we took some more time than usual this summer to spend with Robyn's mom and his family at their home in Little Hearts Ease, helping us all, kids included, to heal and get used to the new normal. Making that a bit easier Robyn took some time off work to help him deal with the stress and the sadness surrounding the loss of his Dad, that however made it harder to blog as I was wanting to spend as much time with him as possible... (this is however a whole other post in its self because seriously having my hubby home makes me so lazy and makes me so mad that nothing is getting done... Ha Ha look for the "My Husband Makes Me Lazy" Post in the future!)

Either way this is basically my "What I did over summer vacation" report.... as I am finally ready to get back to my life and "job" (in quotations because lord knows I don't make a cent telling you how I feel about this, that and everything else, sharing recipes and crafts! And I'm completely OK with that! hum... another post topic you might see in the future... )

So this was my summer vacation in a nut shell.... and by a nut shell I mean Instagram photos....

Not too bad of a summer considering the life events that threw us for a loop!

So that was my summer and I am full force into the fall now... so look out Thanksgiving and Halloween your on my list and I am so on top of things right now that we will be starting projects before you know it!

Ps: If you would like to see my Instagram photos as I take them rather than in one big post like this one feel free to add me to your Instagram! I'm simply mommamadeit (no spaces or punctuation!) You can also like my Facebook Page as well as I usually post my Instagram photos there as well!

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